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Wormington Test Card

Item #: WTNC16

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Specifically designed to be a corrected Rosenbaum Eye Test Card. Charts include: tumbling E, sentences, letters, and numbers, along with a metric scale and pupil size gauge. One of our most versatile cards!

This card was designed by Dr. Charles Wormington of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University.

This card is scientifically designed using the Bailey-Lovie format. It uses Sloan letters and features a geometric (or logarithmic) progression of font sizes. The lines change size in 0.1 log-unit steps so the line above a given line is 1.26 times larger than the line below. What this means is that you can use this card at any distance using M notation. The letters are roughly equal in legibility. The rows are marked in M notation and in 20 ft equivalent acuities. They are 20 ft equivalent acuities if the card is held at 40 cm (16 in).

There is a number chart on the card for use with very young children or illiterates. There is also a reading chart for assessment of reading ability. The font used is Times New Roman, a typical font used in newspapers & books. Remember that reading acuity is not necessarily the same as single -letter chart acuity. The stroke widths are not 1/5 of the height of the letter like they are in the single-letter chart. Patients with macular lesions (e.g., AMD) may have a reading acuity that is significantly worse than their single-letter acuity. Thus this is used in evaluating visual impairment or functional acuity rather than visual acuity. The reading card is designed using principles similar to those used for the Minnesota Low-vision Reading test (MN-READ).

The card is pocket sized and features a notched ruler and half moon ruler for measuring pupil size.

Card Size: 6 1/2" x 3 1/2".

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