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Waggoner™ Computerized Color Vision Test (CCVT)

Item #: WCCVT1+

Professional Pricing Available to Registered Healthcare Professionals, Schools, & Government. Click on the blue info button for more details.

  • Description
  • Qty
  • Waggoner CCVT Tablet with App Pre-Installed
  • You must be logged in to your Bernell Online account in order to view pricing for products. Healthcare Professionals, Staff, Schools, & Government, please login to your Bernell Online accounts for pricing. Please click on the blue info button for more details

  • Waggoner CCVT App Only
  • You must be logged in to your Bernell Online account in order to view pricing for products. Healthcare Professionals, Staff, Schools, & Government, please login to your Bernell Online accounts for pricing. Please click on the blue info button for more details

The Waggoner Computerized Color Vision Test was created as an all-in-one color vision testing suite to satisfy anyone interested in testing for color vision deficiencies ranging from school nurses to the U.S. Military. Within the WCCVT, an individual can choose several different testing methods that includes screening, diagnostic, pediatric, and adult testing. The Adult Diagnostic test provided in the WCCVT software is the cutting edge in color vision testing. It has been coined one of three "precision" color vision tests available today by the U.S. FAA. It is a military-grade color vision test that is accepted by the U.S. Navy, Army, and Coast Guard for all personnel and applicants, including pilots. The diagnostic tests are perfect for identifying both genetic and acquired color vision deficiencies and then providing the type and severity of the deficiency. Color Vision Testing Made Easy is included in the application and is the gold standard for pediatric color vision testing and is used to screen participants at the World Special Olympics to this day. Due to formalities, we have included the D-15 even though this test has been shown to have lower sensitivity and specificity than our diagnostic tests included in the WCCVT.

Click here to download a free trial version of the software today!

WCCVT propels you forward in the world of patient care. Here's how:

  • Cut costs by downloading WCCVT onto your computer with app only version
  • Detect, determine and estimate the degree of each color vision deficiency
  • Feel confident in your findings, as our product is validated by not just the US Navy, but also other notable independent academic institutes
  • Free up staff as this test is self-administered
  • Self-scoring ensures standardization and guarantees a consistent test-taking experience every single time
  • WCCVT is randomized, preventing memorization, cheating or bias
  • The findings are simple and easy to interpret, every time!
  • Waggoner CCVT Advantages

  • The Waggoner CCVT tablet can be used in multiple lanes since it is mobile.
  • The Waggoner CCVT tablet is NOT locked down and can be used for other functions within your office (Ex. EMR, other softwares, etc.)
  • The WCCVT is the most competitively priced diagnostic color vision test on the market.
  • The WCCVT was validated by a third party, the U.S. Navy.
  • The WCCVT is accepted by the U.S. Navy, Army, and Coast Guard. It has been recommended by the FAA to screen pilots.
  • More user-friendly and easier to interpret than other competitive products.
  • Has higher sensitivity than the CCT, which means its better at identifying color vision deficient individuals.
  • $55 national average reimbursement with CPT code 92283
  • Why use the Waggoner CCVT?

  • Improved patient care. Identify diseases and toxic levels of substances using our acquired color vision test.
  • It has the shortest testing times for individuals with normal color vision.
  • The test is completely randomized and standardized to remove administrator bias, memorization of test plates, and a consistent test-taking experience every single time.
  • Waggoner is the only distributor of a color vision test that is also developed by the founders. All of the other computerized color vision tests were developed within an institution and given to 3rd parties to distribute. We are the color vision experts.
  • Reimbursable which is not any different than the other computerized color vision test but is unique to traditional testing methods.
  • Clinical Studies & Research
    Waggoner Computerized Color Vision Test Clinical Research
    Waggoner Computerized Color Vision Test Clinical Research
    Color Vision Testing Made Easy Clinical Research
    Color Vision Testing Made Easy Clinical Research
    Waggoner PIP24 Clinical Research
    Waggoner PIP24 Clinical Research
    Waggoner HRR Clinical Research
    Waggoner HRR Clinical Research

    Resources & Misc
    Ocular Toxicology
    Ocular Toxicology
    Acquired Deficiency: What's Next?
    Acquired Deficiency: What's Next?
    CPT 92283 FAQ
    CPT 92283 FAQ
    ICD-10 Codes for CPT 92283
    ICD-10 Codes for CPT 92283
    Waggoner Diagnostics Product Catalog
    Waggoner Diagnostics Product Catalog
    Waggoner CCVT Overview
    Waggoner CCVT Overview
    Product Technical Sheet
    Product Technical Sheet
    Federal Services Comparative Aviation Standards 2020
    Federal Services Comparative Aviation Standards 2020
    Waggoner CCVT Annotated Results
    Waggoner CCVT Annotated Results
    Waggoner CCVT Annotated Progression Results
    Waggoner CCVT Annotated Progression Results
    Waggoner CCVT Vs. Traditional Books
    Waggoner CCVT Vs. Traditional Books
    Waggoner CCVT Vs. CCT, CAD, & ColorDx
    Waggoner CCVT Vs. CCT, CAD, & ColorDx

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How many patient results can be saved on a computer?

    Storing approximately 100 test results is equal to approximately 1 megabyte. This means that 100,000 test results can be saved on 1 gigabyte.

    What are the minimum requirements to run the Waggoner CCVT on my computer

  • Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 or above operating system.
  • 1 gigahertz of processing speed
  • 512 MB of RAM
  • 4.5 GB of disk space
  • How do I download and install the Waggoner CCVT on my Windows computer/tablet/laptop?

    1.) Select on "Download Trial" in the upper-right hand corner of this page and complete the form and select submit. If that doesn't work, go to the following URL: The download should begin automatically. If it does not, please email us immediately at or call (949) 396-1694 ext. 2.

    2.) Double click on the file with the name Waggoner_CCVT_Setup_V.#.##.exe. The # symbols will be numbers signifying the version of the software you have just downloaded. Where the file can be located will depend on the browser you used to download the Waggoner CCVT. Often times it can be found in a downloads folder that most all download have been added too.

    3.) This is where Windows Installation Setup will begin. Please follow the instructions that Windows provides to install the Waggoner CCVT.

    4.) After the installation is complete, you will have a popup allow you to run the application immediately. Also, there will be a Waggoner CCVT icon placed onto your desktop. We recommend opening up the Waggoner CCVT and completing the registration and licensing process at this time.

    5.) To begin, you will need register the application. This is a Class I medical device that is both listed with the FDA and CE Marked. This requires us to know who is using the application for our audits.

    6.) The Waggoner CCVT will walk you through the rest of the setup process. If you are simply trying the 30-day trial, choose that option on the licensing screen. If you have a license, which was either provided to you via email or a distributor, please enter the license key. Although we do have the option to activate the Waggoner CCVT offline, we highly recommend connecting to the internet for this to make it as simple as possible.

    Do I need to calibrate my monitor?

    In a clinical study performed by two academic institutions, they said that the Waggoner CCVT on a calibrated monitor had slightly better agreement with the anomaloscope compared to the Waggoner CCVT that was uncalibrated. In another study conducted by the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute, the uncalibrated Surface Pro 3 Tablet and calibrated PC had similar high sensitivity and specificity (98%-100%) for detecting red/green CVD as compared to Nagel Anomaloscope. The U.S. Air Force said that calibration is not as critical due to the technology we employ when making our test plates. All in all, the sensitivity and specificity on an uncalibrated monitor are better than traditional books under a 6500k light.

    There are several monitors and tablets that have a perfect rendition of the color spectrum right out of the box and these include Surface Tablets, Samsung Galaxies, and iPads.

    If I want to calibrate my monitor, what are the ideal settings?

    D6500, gamma 2.2 would be a nice target to shoot for with the calibration. (sRGB would no longer apply for a calibrated screen. It just ends up a calibrated Windows color profile). The calibration should target a 100 cd\m2 brightness, which can be obtained by adjusting the brightness to approximately 50%. You may or may not have to toggle around with the brightness a bit. Make sure to ensure night mode is off, and no change in brightness is on when in battery mode, per the Windows power setting.

    Waggoner Computerized Color Vision Test (CCVT) Overview

    Running Your First Diagnostic Test (Waggoner CCVT)

    Write a review
    H L Bumgardner, OD Optometry
    Jun 23, 2021  |  By Dr. Henry Bumgardner
    Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon
    Waggoner Diagnostics was great help with all things color vision testing. We primarily look for acquired tritan changes in any patient with glaucoma, macular degeneration, vision affecting diabetes, etc. We also test patients taking Plaquenil or other "macular risk" drugs. It is a great additional reimbursable test to go hand in hand with visual fields, OCT, ERG, etc.

    Puccinelli Optometry
    Jun 23, 2021  |  By Dr. Pam Puccinelli
    Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon
    We absolutely LOVE the program. We use it on every patient who comes in the door. It is great to be able to switch to different tests as needed for adults or children. And the additional specialized tests come in handy time and time again. After using the Waggonver CCTV program, we cannot go back to standard Ishihara plates especially with the ability to save the tests and upload them into our EHR system to have on record each time they come in for a visit. This program has proved invaluable to our practice for the 4 years we have currently been using it.

    North Suburban Vision Consultants, Ltd.
    Jun 23, 2021  |  By S. Barry Eiden
    Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon
    We have incorporated Waggoner Computerized Color Vision Test at our practice over the past year with great results. We started with the software downloaded to a dedicated desktop computer. We are able to get a much more detailed assessment of color vision status for our patients not only with congenital color vision deficits but more importantly for those with acquired color vision loss due to optic nerve disease and complications of high risk ocular medications such as Plaquenil. The system is easy to administer for our technicians and easy to perform for our patients. The use of procedure code 92283 provides third party reimbursement that far more than offsets the cost of the system. We highly recommend the Waggoner CCVT system for the optometric and ophthalmologic practice.

    Call Toll Free 1-800-348-2225 or (574) 259-2070

    Fax to (574) 259-2102 or (574) 259-2103

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