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Randot® Stereotest

Item #: SORDT

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The Randot Stereotest is aimed for adult stereo testing, but also includes an animal portion for pediatric testing. Adult patients are asked to identify six geometric shapes during testing. This test helps to test the patient's depth perception along with normal stereo vision. Adult testing involves 400 to 20 seconds of arc, and pediatric testing involves 400 to 100 seconds of arc.
  • Tests and evaluates stereo depth perception for both gross stereopsis evaluation (500 & 250 seconds of arc) using six geometric forms from random dot backgrounds
  • Graded circle test (400 to 20 seconds of arc)

    Test includes:
  • 1 pair of Standard 3-D Viewers
  • Answer Key on the back cover
  • Call Toll Free 1-800-348-2225 or (574) 259-2070

    Fax to (574) 259-2102 or (574) 259-2103

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