The Synchrony Pro uses moving LED lights along a light strip to train responsiveness and anticipatory timing. The tool has multiple modules to provide solutions for an array of training needs. Simply select a module on the app, adjust the settings to your needs and press start. After each session a detailed performance scorecard is generated, providing instant results including a comparative progress report utilizing the Senaptec demographic database. Currently, Synchrony Pro provides the following modules: Timing, Go/No-Go, Chase, Saccade, Split-Motion, and Tennis. More are in the works!
When using the Timing Module, the goal is to stop the moving (green) light as close to the fixed (white) light as possible. The user can select their trigger of choice, however, the Proximity Sensor allows for the most versatility. After the drill, the user can see where they fare in terms of accuracy. The LED light strip will display the following results:
• White light shows the target• Green lights show your actual results
• Red light shows the average result
The Synchrony Pro is controlled with an easy to navigate mobile app compatible with Android phones 7.0 and higher. The Synchrony Pro controller has a built-in button trigger. Other trigger devices such as hand and foot triggers are also available, as well as the Senaptec phone app. *Phone is not included. Device requires an Android phone with a USB-C connection.

SAT-502-PRO - Senaptec Synchrony Pro
Bernell Pay As It Earns™ Lease Program Terms:
- Down Payment Due: $195 + Shipping & Tax (if applicable)
- Lease Term: 12 months
- Monthly Payment: $69.65/month
Contact to request a lease contract.
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Senaptec Synchrony Accessories
Reaction & Anticipation Timing Training Device
Senaptec Synchrony Accessories
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The Synchrony experience is customizable to your needs. The Thumb Controller, Foot Controller and Hand Controller provide a more tailored experience for each Synchrony user. We also provide additional tracks that can serve as an extension to your existing track.
The Synchrony uses moving LED lights along a light strip to train responsiveness and anticipatory timing. The tool has multiple modules to provide solutions for an array of training needs. Simply select a module on the app, adjust the settings to your needs and press start. After each session a detailed performance scorecard is generated, providing instant results including a comparative progress report utilizing the Senaptec demographic database. Currently, Synchrony provides the following modules: Timing, Go/No-Go, Chase, Saccade, Split-Motion, and Tennis. More are in the works!
The Synchrony is controlled with an easy-to-navigate mobile app compatible with Android phones with a USB-C connection. **Note: you must have an Android phone with a USB-C port in order to connect to Synchrony The Synchrony controller has a built-in button trigger. Other trigger devices such as hand and foot triggers are also available, as well as the Senaptec phone app.
Click Here to download the Senaptec Synchrony Product Brochure
Anticipation timing is an essential skill you rely on every day. Shaking hands or giving a high five requires moving muscles at just the right time. The simple act of catching a ball requires your eyes to track motion, your brain to judge distance, speed, and trajectory, and your muscles to move in time with the ball's arrival. The Senaptec Synchrony provides an effective and fun solution engineered to sharpen and refine these judgement calls - both in sport and in everyday life.
This brand-new patented technology is the first of its kind. Designed to train eye-hand timing, responsiveness, and accurate judgment of moving objects, the Senaptec Synchrony uses LED lights to simulate motion. Each module is customizable to create individual programming. After each session, a detailed performance scorecard is generated. Instant results and access to the Senaptec cloud-based demographic database provide on-the-spot, comparative feedback.
The Senaptec Synchrony simulates motion to represent various paths and/or objects in motion with LED lights. The mobile app can activate the series of LED lights consecutively to simulate movement for testing and/or training of anticipation or coincidence timing. The app can also activate the LED lights in a non-consecutive manner to provide stimuli for testing and/or training for dynamic vision, accommodation, and vergence. Users can respond with the included button to get results in milliseconds.
Simply select a module on the app, adjust the settings to your needs and press start. After each session a detailed performance scorecard is generated, providing instant results including a comparative progress report utilizing the larger Senaptec demographic database and more. The LED light strip will also display your results:
Pistol Tigger: Use your fingers to squeeze the button in response to the Synchrony. The Hand Controller is great for sports that require a target.
Button Tigger: Use your thumb to press the button in response to the Synchrony. The Thumb Controller is great for most hand reaction sports.
Foot Tigger: Use your foot to press on the controller in response to the Synchrony. The Foot Controller is great for dynamic floor-level sports.
LED Track: 5m, 150 LED track with durable rubber coding.