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Professional Pricing Available to Registered Healthcare Professionals, Schools, & Government. Click on the blue info button for more details.


These computer-chip glasses stimulate the visual system to enhance peripheral awareness and increase production of Serotonin (decreases seen in depression and cognitive problems) and Dopamine (decreases seen in motor disturbances.)

These glasses work well for visual field losses seen from stroke or traumastic brain injuries, as well as strengthening the non-dominant side of the body.

Developed by Dr. Peter Jaillet

These glasses have also been used successfully to enhance athletic achievement.

The glasses can be programmed to blink only on non-dominant eye and can be quickly set for eight different choices of therapy:

Left or right eye only inferior row brighter (stimulates magno-cellular pathways to improve parietal lobe function) Left or right eye only superior row brighter (stimulates parvo-cellular pathways to improve temporal lobe function) Hemifield, left or right visual fields, both eyes inferior row brighter(magno-cellular pathways to improve parietal lobe function) and left or right visual fields, both eyes superior row birhgter (stimulates parvo-cellular pathways to improve temporal lobe function).

Monocular stimulation (lights blinking on one eye or the other) excites both sides of the brain. Hemifield stimulates only one side of the brain. Lights flash for two seconds and then are off for eight seconds before repeating cycle.

Come with the option of Blue LED Row of Lights or Red LED Row of Lights. **Disclaimer: Individual lenses do not include the frame shown in pictures. Frame only can be purchased separately.

What Is Light Therapy?

Ocular light therapy is a method of therapeutically sending light through the eyes in order to stimulate brain function. Light through the eyes enables us to open up neurological pathways into specific brain structures, significantly affecting the brain and every cell of the body. Light is the second most important environmental input, after food, in controlling bodily functions.

Research suggests that our nervous system, like our vascular system, may have two functions. It not only puts out and receives nerve impulses, but also may be a channel for the streaming of energy. Light ignites cellular metabolism. It enters the eye and goes to the body's power distribution center, the hypothalamus, where it is converted into electrochemical impulses that are sent to the pituitary and pineal glands. These glands, in turn, distribute the hormonal messages via the body's nervous system to virtually every cell in the body.

Color has various therapeutic effects on the body and can be received through the eyes in order to stimulate a particular organ or system. Research shows that some colors can stimulate certain bodily enzymes to be 500% more effective. It has been found that 87% of reading disabled children showed an improvement in comprehension when reading with blue filters. In some patients who have suffered strokes, color has successfully eliminated paralysis and helped to restore normal body function.

Several interchangeable lenses may be purchased individually for the Eyelights™ including:

  • Red: stimulates and excites the nerves and blood, aiding in treatment of deficiencies of smell, sight, hearing, taste, & touch.
  • Blue: can increase awareness while aiding tension and stress (especially under fluorescent lighting).
  • Yellow: generates muscle energy and can be used outside to increase contrast in golf, shooting, or skiing.
  • Violet: helps assimilate nutrients and minerals and may control irritability.
  • Orange: promotes happiness and can be used while performing, playing music, etc.
  • Clear: for indoor use while reading, studying, or watching TV.

Eyelights™ come with your choice of lens and LED light color (Item #: EYELIGHTS - Pictured)

Note: Individual lenses do not include the frame shown in pictures. Frame only can be purchased separately or as a set of 6

Glasses use a 3V battery (included)

Disclaimer: Please note that the products offered on our website have not been evaluated or reviewed by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), unless explicitly stated otherwise. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The products offered on our website are not intended to replace or substitute any advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare professional. It is strongly encouraged that any use of our products in an effort to improve visual skills only be done so under the guidance and supervision of a qualified healthcare professional. Although we at Bernell choose to sell our products exclusively to healthcare professionals as they are our target market, we strongly advise that anyone who may come across our products on a secondary market consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using any product. Additionally, we do not offer instructions for intended use, nor make claims for healthcare professionals, in how to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition with our products. The majority of the items offered under vision therapy or vision training categories on this site fall under the FDA's General Wellness: Policy for Low-Risk Items. For safety reasons, we do not condone the use any of our products that occlude or restrict vision in any way while participating in activities that may require unrestricted vision.

Additional Products

EyeLights - Replacement Lenses

Item #: ELENS+

Professional Pricing Available to Registered Healthcare Professionals, Schools, & Government. Click on the blue info button for more details.

Replacement Lenses for the EyeLights™ only. Frames and LED Row of Brightness sold seperately.

Several interchangeable lenses may be purchased individually for the Eyelights™ including:

  • Red: stimulates and excites the nerves and blood, aiding in treatment of deficiencies of smell, sight, hearing, taste, & touch.
  • Blue: can increase awareness while aiding tension and stress (especially under fluorescent lighting).
  • Yellow: generates muscle energy and can be used outside to increase contrast in golf, shooting, or skiing.
  • Violet: helps assimilate nutrients and minerals and may control irritability.
  • Orange: promotes happiness and can be used while performing, playing music, etc.

Note: Individual lenses do not include the frame shown in pictures.

Set of Five Colored Lenses includes: Red, Blue, Yellow, Violet, and Orange.

Disclaimer: Please note that the products offered on our website have not been evaluated or reviewed by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), unless explicitly stated otherwise. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The products offered on our website are not intended to replace or substitute any advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare professional. It is strongly encouraged that any use of our products in an effort to improve visual skills only be done so under the guidance and supervision of a qualified healthcare professional. Although we at Bernell choose to sell our products exclusively to healthcare professionals as they are our target market, we strongly advise that anyone who may come across our products on a secondary market consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using any product. Additionally, we do not offer instructions for intended use, nor make claims for healthcare professionals, in how to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition with our products. The majority of the items offered under vision therapy or vision training categories on this site fall under the FDA's General Wellness: Policy for Low-Risk Items. For safety reasons, we do not condone the use any of our products that occlude or restrict vision in any way while participating in activities that may require unrestricted vision.

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