→ Provides an objective method of assessing fixational and saccadic activity during reading and non-reading tasks.
→ Incorporates a sub-test of number calling in a vertical array, allowing for evaluation of oculomotor function with numbers in a horizontal array.
→ Developed by Dr. Jack Richman, OD and Dr. Ralph Garzia, OD.
→ Includes a manual with instructions and tables of standards based on age and grade level, as well as case histories and clinical treatment considerations.
→ Scoring software saves time and prevents errors, and displays comparisons to standardized scores.
→ Comes with a pad of evaluation sheets and an expanding carrying case for easy transport and storage.
Several studies have been conducted on the DEM test, including research on its use in comparison to other tests such as the King Devick Test, its impact on visual-verbal skills, its use in neuro-optometric rehabilitation, and its relationship to reading and visual processing skills in children. The studies have been published in various journals such as Journal of Optometry, Optometry Vision Science, Public Library of Science and JAMA Ophthalmology.
Studies Supporting the DEM™:King Devick Test VS. Developmental Eye Movement Test , by Basiliki Evelyn Tomaras and Sarah Trommater Senior Class Project 2004
Garzia RP, Richman JE, Nicholson SB, Gaines CS. "A new visualverbal saccade test: the development eye movement test (DEM)."
Journal of Optometry Association. 1990 Feb; 61(2): 124-135
Garzia RP, Richman JE, Walker AJ. "The impact of automatic digit naming ability on a clinical test of eye movement functioning." Journal of Optometry Association. 19983 Jul;54(7): 617-22.
Kapoor N, Ciuffreda KJ. "Assessment of neuro-optometric rehabilitation using the Developmental Eye Movement (DEM) test in adults with acquired brain injury." Journal of Optometry. 2017 Jul; S188-4296(17)30040-7.
Kulp MT, Schmidt PP. "The relation of clinical saccadic eye movement testing to reading in kindergartners and first graders." Optometry Vision Science. 1997 Jan;74(1):37-42.
Kulp MT, Schmidt PP. "Relationship between visual skills and performance on saccadic eye movement testing." Optometry Vision Science. 1998 Apr; 7 5 ( 4): 284-7.
Xie Y, Shi C, Tong M, Zhang M, Li T, Xu Y, Guo X, Hong Q, Chi X. "Developmental Eye Movement (DEM) Test Norms for Mandarin Chinese-Speaking Chinese Children." Public Library of Science. 2016 Feb; 26881754.
"Frequency of Visual Deficits in Children With Developmental Dyslexia." JAMA Ophthalmology
"Vision and Academic Performance in Primary School Children." School of Optometry and Vision Science and Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation
Update: we were made aware of a printing error that occurred during the printing of the Version 2.5 manuals. The printing error occurred on the first page of Table 4 "Vertical Time AGE 9.0 - 9.11". This was correct in previous versions of the manual and has since been corrected in Version 2.7 and after. However, if you purchased a Version 2.5 manual then you may download this pdf with the updated pages.Click here to download
Click here to watch the DEM Calculator App in action.
New Mobile Scoring Software available through Google Play or iTunes App Store.
If you are interested in having a DEM scoring software available on your phone or tablet, Bernell has partnered with MakeMind, a developer in Australia, to release a new scoring app for the DEM known as the DEM Calculator. This app is available for purchase through iTunes App Store or the Goggle Play Store. Please click on the buttons below to learn more about the app.
It is important to note that the DEM Scoring Software is non-returnable and only compatible with Windows operating systems, not Mac computers. Before purchasing the software, it is essential to ensure that the proper hardware is available to use it.
Disclaimer: Please note that the products offered on our website have not been evaluated or reviewed by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), unless explicitly stated otherwise. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The products offered on our website are not intended to replace or substitute any advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare professional. It is strongly encouraged that any use of our products in an effort to improve visual skills only be done so under the guidance and supervision of a qualified healthcare professional. Although we at Bernell choose to sell our products exclusively to healthcare professionals as they are our target market, we strongly advise that anyone who may come across our products on a secondary market consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using any product. Additionally, we do not offer instructions for intended use, nor make claims for healthcare professionals, in how to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition with our products. The majority of the items offered under vision therapy or vision training categories on this site fall under the FDA's General Wellness: Policy for Low-Risk Items. For safety reasons, we do not condone the use any of our products that occlude or restrict vision in any way while participating in activities that may require unrestricted vision.