With the Board in the Horizontal Position:There are many options for use of the SLB™. For work on the board when positioned horizontally, one may simply show the results to the patient as a feedback and retest multiple times. The visual feedback will improve the person's localization skills. Some doctors train with the selected amount of prism determined by the test. Others will reduce the amount and give feedback. Others still will train while using the reverse amount of prism. Some doctors prescribe the prism measured and have the patient wear constantly for six weeks or more and then re-evaluate. Numerous studies on spatial localization have been published and can be found on the internet.
With the Board in the Vertical Position:
Turn the board so that the millimeter measurements are on the bottom. Position the patient so that they are sitting directly in front of the board. Training can involve several different techniques.
Complete Kit Includes:
1 - Magnetic White board and Stand
2 - Magnetic Sheets
1 - Package of 6 Dry Erase Markers
1 - Package of 8 Magnets
2 - 25 Sheet Pads of Recording Forms
1 - Acetate Gauge
1 - Instruction Manual
Disclaimer: Please note that the products offered on our website have not been evaluated or reviewed by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), unless explicitly stated otherwise. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The products offered on our website are not intended to replace or substitute any advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare professional. It is strongly encouraged that any use of our products in an effort to improve visual skills only be done so under the guidance and supervision of a qualified healthcare professional. Although we at Bernell choose to sell our products exclusively to healthcare professionals as they are our target market, we strongly advise that anyone who may come across our products on a secondary market consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using any product. Additionally, we do not offer instructions for intended use, nor make claims for healthcare professionals, in how to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition with our products. The majority of the items offered under vision therapy or vision training categories on this site fall under the FDA's General Wellness: Policy for Low-Risk Items. For safety reasons, we do not condone the use any of our products that occlude or restrict vision in any way while participating in activities that may require unrestricted vision.

BSMAPB2 - Bernell Spatial Mapping Board
Bernell Pay As It Earns™ Lease Program Terms:
- Down Payment Due: $195 + Shipping & Tax (if applicable)
- Lease Term: 12 months
- Monthly Payment: $69.65/month
Contact to request a lease contract.
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