This norm-referenced test assesses visual reversals of letters, numbers, and words in students 5 through 18 years of age. It is an excellent screening instrument for the early detection of learning disabilities.
The third edition is comprised of two parts and five subtests:
Part 1 Subtests
- Line drawings are presented in rows; the student indicates which image in each row is reversed.
- Letters (uppercase, then lowercase) and numbers are presented in rows; the student indicates which are reversed.
Part 2 Subtests
- Shown 20 rows of words, the student indicates which contain reversed letters.
- Shown 20 sentences, the student identifies words that are reversed (e.g., "saw" versus "was").
- Presented with two columns of letter sequences, the student indicates which letters in the second column are out of sequence when compared to those in the first column.
Younger children (5 to 8 years of age) are given Part 1 only. Part 2 is added for students ages 9 and above. Within each subtest, tasks are presented in developmental sequence, and all require recognition only--students are not asked to write their responses. Subtests 1A and 2C are new to the Jordan-3.
Two overall scores are provided: Correct Responses and Errors. In addition, Laterality Checklists allow you to evaluate the child's preference for one side of the body for unilateral tasks. Once the child has settled on a lateral preference, it is easier to remediate letter reversals.
This revised third edition provides an accurate and cost-effective way to screen for learning problems and plan remediation.
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