SVI Features
Some of the unique features and benefits of the SVI are:
Saccadic Function - Useful to help enhance eye-hand coordination, visual reaction time, central-peripheral integration.
Tactile Feedback - Uses the hand rather than a keyboard or laser pointer to provide "real life" tactile and proprioceptive feedback.
Hand Speed Function - Useful for Sports Vision both to measure and help increase visual reaction time and hand speed.
"Visual Search" Saccadic Function - Unlike saccadic procedures like the Hart Chart, the SVI Saccade 2 Function simulates real life where the majority of saccades are not to an anticipated fixed point in space, but rather to "unexpected" events in the environment.
Metronome Function - Useful to help enhance rhythm and timing, and visual-auditory integration.
Tachistoscope Functions - Useful to help increase speed of both visual and auditory information processing and memory.
Significant Number of easily modifiable targets and program variables:
• Number of targets - Increases/decreases the level of demand.
• Letter size - increases demand as the letter sizes decrease.
• Tracer: Gives exact feedback on accuracy of eye-hand coordination.
• Central Fixation - Excellent for central-peripheral awareness and integration.
• Combinations of Background and Target Color - Provides perfect cancellation for monitoring of suppression and monocular in a binocular field activities.
• Adjustable Contrast Sensitivity Function- Increases demand.
• Speed Functions - Increases demand, and helps build automaticity.
• Letter, Number and Word Options- variable cognitive demand, especially useful for building automaticity for math, and reading.
• Size of Visual Field: Can be adjusted to central, peripheral or full field. Useful for central-peripheral integration and for hand/arm limitations in younger individuals.
• Visual Field Loading - Targets can be loaded into a filed or quadrans.
• Performance Assessment Features: Automatically records, stores, and prints if desired, all settings plus very wide range of performance responses: speed, accuracy, central peripheral relationships, etc.
HTS SVI Eye Hand
HTS SVI Rotator
HTS SVI Therapy Modalities
HTS SVI Tachistoscope Program
HTS SVI Metronome
HTS Saccades
HTS Motor
HTS SVI Charts
HTS SVI Graphs

Contact info@bernell.com to request a lease contract.
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